The Blockparty Blog

NFT Data Made Easy: Unlocking the Next Chapter of Growth & Innovation in Web3

Written by Elly Walkden | Jul 13, 2023 12:14:43 PM

The internet revolutionized the way we access, process, and consolidate information at scale, accelerating the rate of human progress and innovation faster than the previous closed, top-down systems where corporations, institutions, and governments decided who could participate. 

Blockchain restructures the internet – transforming it from an information system controlled by a handful of entities to an environment where anyone can contribute to its growth and development. Open infrastructure wasn’t the only thing that made the internet so powerful, though. If there’s one thing that any internet success has in common – from Apple, to Amazon, to Morgan Stanley– it’s data. 

On the internet, valuable data has been historically treated as a closed, tightly gatekept resource. Only those with enough money and power could access, manipulate, and build with it. Not anymore. In Web3, every interaction is stored across a distributed database which is public by default. This is a paradigm shift.

While in Web2, user data is owned, recorded, and firmly controlled by the platform, public blockchains enable information to flow freely and be accessed by anyone. Whether you’re a developer, a DAO, a creator or a corporation - anyone can collaborate and learn from blockchain data, build with it, and participate in Web3’s growth and development. 

But here comes the caveat. Because the blockchain is decentralized, NFT data is distributed across multiple nodes and there is no built-in way to query this data. Projects wanting to work with NFT data in a meaningful way are required to extract this from the blockchain and transform it into a relational state, which is an extremely complex and time-consuming process. That’s where we come in.

Blockparty provides creators, developers, and enterprise brands with all the data building blocks they need to expand upon the Web3 ecosystem and bring their creative visions to life. Every NFT application needs a way to interact with blockchain data, and so making it easy to access, interact and build with this data forms a crucial part of our mission.

An enterprise-grade on- and off-chain indexer designed to capture all NFT and fungible token data on and referenced by any EVM blockchain and store it in one place, making it easy to build automations, monitor on-chain events, power dynamic NFTs applications, and so much more.

Processing up to 100k tokens per minute, our indexer makes it possible to query the most current data available with very low latency and can easily be customized to capture and deliver additional on- and off-chain data sets to meet the diverse needs of applications. 

You can create dynamic NFT traits that adapt to on-chain triggers. You can investigate how users interact with DEXs and build even better versions. You can understand the inner workings of how entire ecosystems function. The future of data is collaboration, and we’re here to help you embrace this new and exciting future.

Our ambition is to unlock the next chapter of growth and innovation in Web3 by making data more open, collaborative, and accessible.