The Blockparty Blog

Withdrawing & Depositing NFTs

Written by Blockparty | Apr 8, 2021 3:39:12 PM

Everything you need to know about withdrawing & depositing NFTs between Blockparty and MetaMask.

What is Metamask?

  • MetaMask is a web browser extension and app that allows you to use Ethereum, transact and hold NFTs, and transact and hold other Ethereum based cryptocurrencies.
  • It can be used on Blockparty to purchase and hold NFTs, if the collector wishes to.

Why would I deposit my item?


  • Depositing to Blockparty, for Blockparty minted items, means potentially greater security and less fees may be payable for transferring the asset. Holding assets on Blockparty has a variety of benefits both in terms of cost and flexibility.

Why would I withdraw my item (NFT)?
  • You can withdraw your asset from Blockparty if you wish to self custody the asset on your personal wallet, or if you wish to sell the item on the decentralized secondary market. Withdrawal requires the user to pay gas to issue the transaction. If the item is flexibly minted on Blockparty (not fully minted to Ethereum) you will incur additional cost for withdrawal (and the item will be minted at this time).

How to withdraw your item
  • Find the item in your collection on Blockparty by navigating to your account dashboard, and your Items or Collection tab, respectively. Hover over the asset you want to withdraw and click the "Withdraw" button now visible over the thumbnail.
  • Read through the instructions on the Withdraw page before initiating your withdraw:
  • To withdraw an Item to your connected MetaMask (Ethereum) or Blocto (Flow) wallet, select the destination and click 'Withdraw'. Items minted to Flow cannot be withdrawn to Ethereum, and vice versa.

    Initiated withdrawals can be attempted again by clicking "Retry Withdraw". If your withdraw is not processed in 10 minutes, it will revert back to its previous state.

    It can take a few moments for MetaMask to appear for Ethereum withdrawals. Be sure to preload enough funds in your wallet to pay for the transaction (if you receive a high gas fee reject the transaction and try again in 10 minutes). Do not refresh your screen during this time. 

How to deposit your Item
  • Navigate to and find your NFT. Take note of the Token ID number associated with your NFT. This can be found in the ‘Chain Info’ drop-down under your item.

  • Navigate to your account dashboard and select your collection. On your collector dashboard and click Deposit in the upper right-hand corner
  • Enter the Ethereum Token ID and submit the transaction. Items may take a moment to transfer and appear in your collection.

What if I withdrew my Item and it is not showing up?
  • Please check your MetaMask or Blocto wallet, respectively, to see if your NFT was properly withdrawn. Note that Ethereum and Flow blockchain transaction processing can take some time, so check your transaction status for a 'Success' confirmation message before reaching out to Blockparty Support for help.

What if I deposited my item and it is not showing up?
  • Double-check you have entered the correct Ethereum Token ID. Note that Ethereum and Flow blockchain transaction processing can take some time, so check your transaction status for a 'Success' confirmation message before reaching out to Blockparty Support for help.